1. Cover letter
While the corresponding authors can use their own cover letter, it is recommended to use the Journal cover letter. The corresponding author must sign the cover letter on behalf of all the listed authors. Authors should confirm that the work is original and has not been published elsewhere, nor is it currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Please explain in your own words the significance and novelty of the work, the problem that is being addressed, and why the manuscript belongs in this Journal. Authors can use the cover letter template provided on our website: anres.kasetsart.org (Word file download) or one that they have created.
★ Click here to download a Template of Cover letter
2. Title page
The title page is the first page of the manuscript and should be submitted on a separate page (Microsoft Word file) from the manuscript. This page should include all the information of the contents of the article type, the article title, author name(s), author affiliation(s), keywords (up to 5) and the Corresponding Author section. All author names should be written identically on the title page and in the ScholarOne system that authors use for submission. The author can use the title template provided on our website: anres.kasetsart.org (Word file download).
★ Click here to download a Template of Title page
★ Click here to download a Example of Title page
3. Manuscript
Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANRES) accepts Microsoft Word file types (doc or docx) for article text. Set 1.5 line spacing for all components of the manuscript except tables (sometime use 1 line spacing), using 12 points of Times New Roman font. Submitted manuscripts must be less than 18 pages, without author details. (including article type, the article title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods (Ethics statements), Results, Discussion (or Results and discussion), Conflict of interest statement, Acknowledgments, and all references, Figures, Tables).
Abstracts must not exceed 270 words, including any headings. Subdivision sections should divide your article into clearly defined sections. Any subsection may be given a brief heading. Each heading should appear on its own separate line. Level I headings are in bold and Level II headings are in italics.
The author can use the manuscript template provided on our website: anres.kasetsart.org (Word file download).
★ Click here to download a Template of Manuscript
4. Supplementary (If any)
Supplementary information is relevant to the parent article but cannot appear in the online version of the journal (prepare a supplementary file separate from your manuscript). It may comprise additional tables, figures, material, datasets and other related nonessential files. The materials must be original and not previously published. If previously published, please provide the necessary permissions. The supplementary will be displayed on https://www.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/anres website by journal.
The corresponding author must provide the supplementary information in its final format following the ANRES Journal style. It will be available for review with a parent article and proof prior to publication.
The responsibility for scientific accuracy and file functionality remains entirely with the author(s). A disclaimer to this effect is displayed with any published supplementary information.
“ Label all files clearly as "supplementary". Use Fig. 1S to mention to Supplementary figure 1. All Supplementary figures must include a legend stating what it is, as well as the format. ”
The author can use the supplementary template provided at our website: anres.kasetsart.org (Word file download).
★ Click here to download a Template of Supplementary
★ Click here to download a Example of Supplementary Figure
★ Click here to download a Example of Supplementary Table
★ Click here to download a Example of Supplementary Material
Peer Reviewed. All submitted manuscripts are screened by the Scientific Editor for importance, substance, appropriateness for the Journal, general scientific quality and the amount of new information provided. Those failing to meet current standards are rejected without further review. Those meeting these initial standards are sent to expert referees for peer review. The identities of referees and authors are not disclosed to each other (double blind review). Referee comments are reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief and the Editorial Board (after allowing the author to make changes in response to the referees’ comments) and the Editor-in-Chief then either accepts or rejects the manuscript and informs the corresponding author of the final decision. However, publication is subject to successful completion of any follow-up requested by the native-speaking English Editor. The acceptance process ordinarily is completed within 4–6 months. However, if the corresponding author respond to any requests quickly, then this process will take less time.
Rejected manuscripts. Rejected manuscripts, including original illustrations and photographs, will be returned to authors. Authors must understand that the main aim of the submission-to-publication process is to improve the overall quality of the authors’ work. They should take rejections positively and use the reviewers’ comments to improve their manuscripts.
Before sending the manuscript, it is the duty of the author(s) to understand the scope of the Journal and make sure the topic of the manuscript fulfills the Journal’s requirements. This will avoid unnecessary delays.
Accepted manuscripts. It is essential that the corresponding author replies promptly to any e-mail received from the Journal. After format checking and English editing have been completed, the article proof file will be e-mailed to the corresponding author. The corresponding author will be required to review the article proof and reply to the Journal within 24 hours. Only then will the article be scheduled for publication. The corresponding author is responsible for all statements appearing in the proof file.